Hi everyone, I hope you are having a great day so far. This is Noah Gutierrez with 20 ways to stay motivated with your exercise routine. Fitness has changed my life for the better and I am here to pay it forward. My goal is to help others reach their fitness goals with support, advice and motivation. Enjoy :)
- Gradually progress = Once you have yourself in a consistant workout routine, try a new class at your gym. It takes 21-40 days to create a habit/routine so if you want to slowly add another fitness class to your routine, try not to add too much, too fast, too soon, pace yourself.
- Be prepared and keep your bag packed properly the night before = Whether you are waking up early in the morning or going to exercise after work. If you forget your headphones, favorite exercise shoes, favorite gear to wear etc. It's easy to convince yourself you won't exercise because of it. Stay strong, stay on the wagon, you can do it!
- Set it in your phone schedule = If you know that Mondays are the hardest days to exercise, set a reminder for Sunday night to mentally prepare you. Remind yourself to get plenty of rest and be ready to wake up and go. If you workout nights, Fridays can be the hardest day to go after a long week. Remind yourself that morning that you will be glad you went. If you like to go out with friends, try pushing them to go out on Saturdays instead lol I try with that with my friends so they don't realize they are making it more convenient for me to stay on schedule.
- It's ok if you slip up occasionally = Don't be so hard on yourself. We all fall off a bike learning how to ride it, we have been banged up sometimes. Everyone goes through the same process to stay consistently. If you mess up and miss a day or eat something bad. Just pick yourself up and try again. Stay away from too many missed days as they can become addictive and convincing.
- Signup for races with your team/gym mates = There are so many races and fitness events happening with the help of social media awareness that it's almost impossible for everyone to keep track of all of them. Your gym fitness instructor or workout buddies might miss some. If you run a race by them (no pun intended), they might not of heard of it and can be interested in joininig you.
- take baby steps if you fall off = If you miss a workout day, remember how it felt to miss and use that feeling as a motivation to stay on track. Many times people get angry at themselves and try to over compensate the next time they hit the gym. It's important to not stress yourself out about it. Stay on your planned weekly routine the next time you go and you'll be fine :) I promise
- reward yourself with new exercise gear = One great way to track your progress is by buying new gear. You can see how much different clothes feel on you compared to a few months ago. It's one thing to see and hear progress, can you image litarally feeling it? The last time I bought a new exercise shirt, I feel it tighter every time around my arms. Which is great considering i've been working my arms. I strongly recommend this.
- Reach out to others for support/social media = This isn't for everyone but it is definitely something to consider. Not all of these suggestions will hit home. If you have social media accounts and post your progress or attendance, their LIKES can motivate you. These are easy LIKES on Facebook and sometimes your friends will post motivational quotes cheering you on and complimenting you. After all, what are friends for right?
- Be accountable = If you notice you are starting to slip up consistantly, you need to focus on getting back. This is not something to ignore or glance over. You need to understand how important it is to acknowledge that you haven't been a "good boy". What are you going to do if you miss another day? Hold yourself accountable. Most people are too nice to themselves.
- Have workout and diet plans = Most people are aware of how certain foods and exercises make them feel. If you have a strength class the next day, how will eating certain foods affect your performance? Try to associate the foods you will eat with the amount/type of energy you will need for that specific routine/type of workout. Planning ahead is crucial.
- Focus on the positive = It's easy to focus on the negative. It is just as important to focus on the positive and cannot be overlooked. You are doing a great job and should be self aware. Did you exercises as many times as you wanted to? Did you achieve a short term fitness goal? Great job, keep it up :)
- Keep records of your exercises/routines = I recently found a journal of when I lived in my first apartment and would exercise alone at home because I was too shy for the local gym in the small city I lived in. The local gym had hard core fitness enthusiasts and I was afraid of using bad form and them cleary being able to spot it. I felt dumb trying to self teach myself proper sets and reps in front of gym rats. I didn't want them to think I was showing off or trying to copy them. Hey man, we all have weird thoughts. I'm just willing to share them lol
- Set short term goals = "I will go to the gym _____ days this week, I will eat _____ before/after my workout, I will do ____ more exercises than I did last time"
- Set rules and stick to them = Can you name an athlete/fitness enthusiats that achieved their goals by not having rules and sticking to them? Me neither.
- Schedule your "cheat days" = You can have one or two cheat meals per week. Your friends go out to eat, you are invited to a party, a big sporting event viewing is coming up, you forgot your lunch at home and the only thing nearby is a fast food place. It's ok to grab a quick bite sometimes. How do you avoid going overboard? Just think of how you will physically feel if you eat a certain food/amount.
- Take pictures of yourself = This is so awesome to do especially early on. In the beginning some people expect instant results and can be discouraged when they don't see it in the mirror everyday when they see themselves. But imagine see a picture of yourself when you exercised 3 months ago. Does you face look thinner? Arms more sculpted? Did you lose/gain?
- Go with a friend = Friends can keep you motivated if they understand your fitness goals and even more so if they have similar ones. Many gyms also offer discounts for signing up with a friend or group, don't be afraid to ask them if they do.
- Exercise accountability apps = Fitocracy (free), Nike+ GPS ($1.99) , RunKeeper (free, with paid "Elite" version available) , Teemo (free, for a limited time) , Yog (free), Fit Friendzy (free) , Endomondo, PACT, LARK, STRAVA RUNNING AND CYCLING GPS, VIDA HEALTH COACH, POCKET YOGA, FITSNAP, MY GOALS. Full disclosure, I have not personally used ALL of these apps. I cannot give reviews good or bad. The goal here is to give you apps to investigate on your own. You may find the one you need. Just some ideas to start you off.
- Switch up your routine = To avoid getting bored, gyms like Enhance Fitness Studio in Countryside ayooooooooo!!!!!! (www.enhancefitnessstudio.com) offer a wide range of classes from yoga fitness, boxing, boot camp, dance & zumba class events, self defense, obstacle course race training, strength classes, MMA, Pilates, kickboxing, jiu jitsu etc. See what your gym offers and don't be afraid to try new classes :)
- Join a fitness community = Surround yourself with a positive, like minded fitness atmosphere and community with similar goals. People want to see you succeed :)
There's a list of 20 ways to stay consistent in your exercise routine/goals. I hope it helps you as much as it has me. You can contact me at Noahg76@gmail.com or 708-837-4348 if you have any questions. See me in person at Enhance Fitness Studio in Countryside, Il 6475 Joliet rd. suite A1000. Have a great workout!